Kids Game Jam is present on the following social networks:
- Important information about the Kids Game Jam (i.e, mentioning deadlines, linking to regulations, procedures, etc.)
- News, photos, video from the world of coderdojo about the Kids Game Jam or the themes to which it, year after year, inspires
- Retweet from other profiles that report news considered interesting to profile followers
- Conversations created using official hashtags #KidsGameJam #KGJ(aa) #TogheterWeWin
Direct messages are not used to respond to users, but they will need to use the appropriate official site, if there are personal profiles of the Champions, they will be self-managed, personally taking responsibility for their behavior and observing the Internal Social Policy.
- condivisione di post da altri profili che riportano notizie ritenute interessanti per l’utenza
- Important information about the Kids Game Jam (i.e, mentioning deadlines, linking to regulations, procedures, etc.)
- News, photos, video from the world of coderdojo about the Kids Game Jam or the themes to which it, year after year, inspires
- Sharing posts from other profiles that report news that is considered interesting to the user
- Conversations created using official hashtags #KidsGameJam #KGJ(aa) #TogheterWeWin
Direct messages are not used to respond to users, but they will need to use the appropriate official site, if there are personal profiles of the Champions, they will be self-managed, personally taking responsibility for their behavior and observing the Internal Social Policy.
We publish textual content, photos, videos and other multimedia materials that Are to be considered under Creative Commons license in accordance with l.633 / 41 artt. 87 and 88. Articles 96 and 97 of l. 633/41 (Copyright protection) e Article 7 of the d. Lg 196/03 (Code for the protection of personal data). We strive to comply with the terms of service of all the social networks in which we operate.NETIQUETTE
We mean the "network etiquette", find all the details here: Sent messages must be constructive and civil and comply with the participation rules listed below;
- All interlocutors are responsible for the messages they send, it is forbidden to keep inappropriate behavior that leads to the use of vague or offensive and defamatory words and words against people and their ideas
- Are not tolerated comments against public decency, discrimination against sexual backgrounds, incitement to racial, political or religious hatred.
- All users are required to comply with the copyright (copyright) rules and unauthorized use of registered trademarks is not permitted.
- It is forbidden to place comments in crossposting (same text in multiple threads) spam and self-promotion messages, commercial messages, trolling content repeatedly placed of whatever nature they are and offtopic comments.
Profile Managers reserve the ability to block users who will have bad recurring behavior and delete comments that do not match Netiquette.
The treatment of personal information of users within social media platforms is governed by the terms of service that each user accepts at the time of registration on the various platforms used.If a user publishes personal information, even sensitive, content can be removed without notice.